What is Pay Per Click and How does it Work?

What is Pay Per Click and How does it Work?

If you’re running a business, PPC is something you must know about. You’re either already aware of it, or you don’t quite know what it means. Either way, we can assure you that there’s something new for you to take away from this blog.

PPC is all the fuss among business marketers, and there’s one big reason why- It’s quick and easy. But there are small little details that go into this. And it’s to walk you through the same, that we’ve written this blog.

What is PPC? How does Pay Per Click works? What are the steps behind it?

Let’s start from the basics.

Table of Contents

PPC- What’s it all about?

PPC, or Pay per click, is just what it sounds. You get to place your ads on search engines or advertising platforms, and you pay when and only when a user clicks on it.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, it isn’t really. It’s definitely easier than other SEO methods out there, but ignoring the fine little details of a PPC campaign is the last thing you’d want to do. We mean, there are quite many types of PPC Ads to begin with. Choosing the right one for you is step 1.

Search Ads

What is it?

These are the most common form of Search Ads, appear as the search results under search engines.

Keys to Search ads

  • Long-tail keywords
  • Bidding the right amount
  • Tracking metrics.
Social-Media/Instream Ads

What is it?

These are the ads that appear on the social media feeds of Facebook or Instagram, or before the videos on YouTube.

Keys to Social-media ads

  • Choosing the right platform
  • Picking the right time
  • Targeting the target-audience
Google Shopping Ads

What is it?

Window-shopping ads that appear under search engines, displaying information on products and prices.

Keys to Google-shopping ads

  • Adding useful information
  • Including eye-catching imagery
Local-service Ads

What is it?

Ads that are open to very specific markets

Keys to Local-service ads

  • Putting Local SEO to work
  • Bidding within the budget
Gmail Ads

What is it?

Simple. These are the ad-mails that appear on Gmail.

Keys to Gmail Ads

  • ­Addressing the right audience
  • Fixing a schedule, instead of spamming.
Display Ads

What is it?

These are the ads that appear on Google’s partner websites, as images with a caption.

Keys to Display ads

  • Sticking to Google’s ad image requirements
  • Choosing the right places to post
  • Deploying top-quality images
Remarketing ads

What is it?

An ad of yours caught someone’s sight? These are the PPC ads that you can re-deploy to re-engage your audience.

Keys to Remarketing ads

  • Add some additional information than before
  • Try keeping these personalized
  • Make the most of Google’s Tracking pixels

These might look a bit overwhelming, but you’re not to worry! Below, we’ve gone through everything you need to know about paid search marketing, and what you need to be doing to get it right.

keywords pay per click
A word on Paid search marketing

No need to get confused between Paid search and PPC- They’re basically one and the same.

Well, not exactly one and the same, but interchangeable. Paid search, simply refers to the ads that are “placed” on advertising platforms and search engines. While PPC as you know refers to making a payment whenever those ads get clicked. So, just think of PPC as a branch of the tree that is paid search.

How does Paid Search work?

Auctions. That’s how.

Let’s say someone looks up “Digital marketing services” on Google. There might be millions of ads related to this, put up by millions of firms. But, which one of these ads would Google place on that prestigious top rank, and why? – That’s always the question.

What happens is, as soon as the user hits “search”, Google conducts a lightning-fast auction, then and there. Think of this as the step taken to determine which ads appear, and in what order. But again, what are these steps?

There are several “scoring” categories that go into making these auctions work, and we’re here to give you the insider.


Insider #1- Keywords are still key

Putting those precious keywords to work is still massively important. There are specific words that a user might enter into his search box, and your ads need to be optimized in accordance with these very words. Just think of it as providing what your users are looking for.

Now whether your content must have the exact keywords or different variations of them, is something that’s up to your creative brain. But regardless of that, keywords are among the central factors that help Google determine where to place your ads on its SERPs.

Write smart.

Insider #2- Make sure the Ad itself is great
Make sure the AD itself is great 1.1 pay per click

Ultimately, these ads are what you’re trying to place on the SERPs. These need to be of top quality in themselves. We’d say that it’s rather simple to ensure your ad is of the highest quality. Just ask yourself these questions-

  • How relevant is my ad?
  • How helpful is my ad?
  • How immersive is my ad?

If you’re hardworking, and truthful about the services you provide (which we’re sure you are), proper quality of ads would be something that comes naturally to you.

Add some extensions to enhance the appearance of your ads. Add sitelink and call extensions to improve your overall visibility.

Fine little adjustments like these never hurt.

Insider #3- Paying per click

Simply speaking, a bid is the amount you’re willing to pay for your clicks.

Considering this to be an auction, bidding is bound to be quite central to it. Although, it’s not as simple as bidding an obnoxious amount to become the highest bidder. Consider these little points before finalizing an amount-

  • Keep a real-time check on your competitors’ bids
  • Always, stick to your budget
  • Prioritize your high-priority keywords

Never bid higher than you have to. It might end up working against your purpose.

Insider #4- Targeting your ads

Bidding for your ads, and doing all the right things might get you on the SERPs. But there still remain things to be done, in order to make sure your ads reach the precise audience that you have in mind.

Google Ads allows you to target specific audiences, and this in turn would help improve your ad’s performance. The targeting can be done based on-

  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location
  • Occupation

This makes sense because your ads might not be aimed at every random user on the internet. You might have a target audience in mind, and we see no reason why your services shouldn’t be aimed directly at them.

Insider #5- Keep monitoring

The internet is the most dynamic playground you’ll ever get to play in. One day, a trend doesn’t even seem to exist, and another day, the trend seems to be skyrocketing.

Now imagine if you were to publish an ad, and that was it. Imagine there being no option to make improvements based on what you’re seeing.

Fortunately, we do have an option. 

Google Ads allows you to monitor your CTR (Click-through-rates), and conversion rates. Based on your ads’ performance, keep switching things up for better results. You may update them, fine-tune your bidding, or take them down altogether.

Please do not be done and dusted.

Getting it done right

Precisely because PPC marketing is a relatively easier path to take, there are millions of firms doing it. Do you have what it takes to stand out from the rest? We’d say you do, as long as you allow a proper team to do things right. The market needs to be studied, and your ads need to be optimized the perfect way.

At KickStart Solutions, we house a team of experienced marketing experts who know what they’re doing. If you’re looking to get your ads up and running right away, contact us to have a talk. We’ll help.

Or, do you have a team in mind? Well and good! There are many PPC companies out there that could set you up the way you want to. As long as you’ve done your research, and get in touch with a legit team of Paid search experts, we’re happy.

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