6 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best Platform For SEO

6 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best Platform For SEO

SEO. Who doesn’t need that? Almost every single business today is in the race to the top of Google’s SERPs. And with very good reasons. What’s the point of working so hard if your services won’t reach the masses, right? 

And diving into SEO is sort of like opening up a beautiful can of worms. There are just so many things to do. So many things you didn’t know. So many ways to do one single thing. 

We’ve written this blog to talk about one such “thing”. If you’re building a website for your business (which you probably will), your first steps for SEO can begin right here. From one word–WordPress. 

37% of the big wide internet is powered by WordPress, and that’s quite telling. Wouldn’t it be great if the bedrock of your brand itself could act as an SEO tool? That’s what WordPress is. And creating your site on it would mean exceptional SEO for your brand. 

Why though? What makes WordPress so special? How come it grants you an edge in SEO? Well, let us tell you. If improved visibility on search engines is what you’re looking for, here’s why WordPress is your best bet.  

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Plugins that spread the word

Its vast collection of useful plugins is what makes WordPress so great. They simply manage to transform WordPress into a sight to behold. And if you’re in it for SEO, you’re in for a treat. Just plug in those plugins. 

Here are some suggestions to get you started- 

  • Yoast SEO
  • SEOPress
  • W3 Total Cache
  • All in One SEO Pack
  • Broken Link Checker
  • SEOquake

And you know what makes this even greater? The ease of it all. There’s zero coding involved. This is a big reason why most of the web development companies in Vadodara love to work on WordPress. If it’s easy and better than the rest, what’s the hold here? 

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Google loves speed

Guess what’s one of Google’s biggest ranking factors today. 

Yes, it’s the load speed of your website. Leave Google, imagine your users for a second. There are tons of annoying things on the internet, yet nothing would annoy them more than a super slow website. WordPress shows a way around this problem. 

It hands over a wide set of plugins designed to speed up your website. Take the ShortPixel image optimizer for instance. It compresses every single document and image on your website, and this significantly reduces the load times of your website. WPOtimize is yet another thing of beauty. It clears your database and caches your web content towards further speeding up your website. 

WordPress knows no annoyed customer.

Best for mobiles = Best for you

Guess the percentage by which mobile traffic has gone up in the last five years. Go on, take a wild guess. 

It’s a humble little 222%. 

So, if you’re building a website, it has to be optimized for mobiles. We hope that’s one of your priorities. And since it is, here’s why we think WordPress takes the spot yet again. 

All you have to do to make sure your WordPress website is optimized for mobiles, is absolutely nothing. Every theme, every template, and every feature on WordPress is already designed to fit right into the mobile world. 

So, create on WordPress, and rest assured that the mobile users’ market pie is well in your hands. 

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UI designed to make readers stay

People are surprisingly quick on passing judgments on websites. They’d enter a site and just leave it for no good reason. A good UI can be your way out of this. 

Users are likely to stick with websites that are clean, simple, and user-friendly. Meanwhile, it would only take them a second to leave a messy, chaotic website. 

Visitors love WordPress websites. Every one of its themes and plugins is aimed at crafting a great user experience. And this in turn leads to designs that are clean, smooth, and attractive. 

This might just reduce your overall site bounce rate (the number of single visits on your website/the rate at which visitors “bounce” from your website). Not only would this mean good things for you, but low bounce rates also manage to impress Google. 

Images are important, and WordPress knows it

At KickStart Solutions, we do not underestimate the power of visuals on a website. Images can be little treats for those who aren’t keen on reading long paragraphs (Which is almost every user). But this isn’t the only purpose that images serve, and WordPress knows it. 

Properly optimized images can boost your online visibility–especially considering how “image search” is a popular thing nowadays. And when it comes to the number of image-optimizations that WordPress offers, there aren’t many platforms that do it better. Edit your image to perfection, or compress them to reduce load times. WordPress is game for it all. 

And also, search engines are always on the hunt for alt texts. For those wondering, these are the texts that describe your images when the image itself cannot be viewed. Like if one uses a web-reader, for example, alt texts will spell out what your image is showing. You can slip in some keywords here, and WordPress helps you do so in style. 

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The ideal Meta descriptions

If you’re wondering what a meta description is, it’s the short summary of your web content–that appears on the SERPs. And these one-liners can be some real game changers if done right. 

For one, it’s one of the very first things that a user would see. Also, it’s a big ranking factor as far as search engines are concerned.  So, either way, it wouldn’t harm to optimize these descriptions. And how does WordPress help in this? 

There are settings that allow you to tweak your descriptions to your liking. There also is a world of SEO plugins, designed to add meta descriptions under all your posts in a matter of minutes. 

Our final case for WordPress

There’s a reason why the majority of websites today are powered by WordPress. When it comes to the sheer ease and efficiency that it offers, it’s difficult to point fingers at other platforms. 

Yet, we wouldn’t ask you to halt your research. We’ve written this to just lend you our hand in the process. Want to look up other CMS? Do go ahead.

But whatever you finalize, do get in touch with a proper team of web developers. There are many WordPress development companies in Vadodara that’ll set you up just fine. A random team that doesn’t know what it’s doing, might do you more harm than good. We don’t want that, do we. 

And of course, let’s also not go DIY here. If you’ve got queries, what are we here for! Contact us and we’ll sort things out right away.


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